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The Best Foods for Cataract Prevention

Food for Eyes Cataracts

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What are the causes and symptoms of eye cataracts?

* Excessive consumption of alcohol.

* High blood pressure and diabetes.

* Damage to the lens as a result of cigarette smoke.

* Excessive exposure to sunlight.

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Types of cataracts

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Nuclear cataract

This cataract is often caused by natural aging. The nucleus, or core, of the lens, begins to harden and become yellow; from there, it gradually spreads.


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Cortical cataract

This cataract begins at the lens's exterior and progresses toward the center. This slow progression continues toward the center, where they might obstruct light's ability to reach the lens.


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Posterior subcapsular cataract

This type of cataract forms from the back of the eye's lens. Posterior subcapsular cataracts often begin as tiny dots that block the path of light as it approaches the retina.


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Congenital cataract

Congenital cataracts are evident at birth, frequently with unexplained causes. However, genetic problems, metabolic abnormalities, inflammation, and infections may be responsible.


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Radiation cataract

Radiation exposure can sometimes lead to cataracts. Exposure to radiation therapy for cancer and extreme UV exposure may result in cataracts.


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Traumatic cataract

Cataracts can occasionally arise from an eye injury. Regardless of age, both blunt and acute injuries can cause the illness. Depending on the trauma, this cataract might affect a person's vision.


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Best foods for eye cataracts

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Salmon contains a high amount of astaxanthin, a carotenoid that gives its distinctive reddish color. It protects the eyes from free-radical damage and slows the development of cataracts in the eyes.


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Egg yolks have an abundant amount of lutein and zeaxanthin. They constitute the only carotenoids synthesized to the lens and may play a significant part in limiting the lens damage.


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Studies have proven that carrots are vital for the maintenance of eye health. They can enhance overall vision, particularly at night.


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According to studies, the juice made from broccoli sprouts decreases reactive oxygen species and inhibits the lens protein accumulation that leads to the lens opacities of the eyes.


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Avocados are also regarded as nutritional powerhouses for eye protection due to their high mineral content, including lutein, beta-carotene, and vitamins B6, C, and E, among others.


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Walnuts are especially advantageous for eyesight since they have a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids.


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Bilberries, which resemble and are closely linked to blueberries and huckleberries, are loaded with minerals such as anthocyanins, that protect the eyes.


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Green tea

Green tea contains potent components that are good for the eyes, such as gallocatechin, a flavonoid that accumulates in the eye retina and can shield it from dangerous blue light.


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One of the best ways to combat cataracts is to consume foods for cataracts. It is important to adopt nutrition that is loaded with antioxidants to improve the symptoms of degenerative disease.

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