13 Best Foods for Spleen Deficiency

According to Chinese philosophy, the human body has “qi”, which means energy that flows through the organs and the spleen. It needs to be balanced for good health and proper body function.

Spleen qi deficiency happens when this flow of qi is blocked. This can result in many health problems relating to appetite, weight, and it even extends to other parts of the body.

A balanced meal for the qi includes

Fermented foods

Healthy and energizing fats

Plenty of fruits, nuts and vegetables

spleen deficiency diet

The spleen works to break down foods and this process is fuelled by heat, therefore eating neutral to hot foods is more beneficial. Here are 13 foods you are encouraged to eat.

brown sugar

Brown sugar contains a tiny amount of nutrients, so it still provides the body with carbohydrates that the body uses as fuel. 


The meat of coconut has a high-fat content, and most of it is medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are absorbed by the small intestine and are used for energy production. 

Cooked vegetables 

For the sake of the spleen qi, vegetables like chives, leeks, mustard greens, onions, pumpkins, squash, and yams are recommended as their nature is close to warm foods.


Chinese red dates, cooked peaches, dried mandarin orange peel, guava, longan, and lychee contain carbohydrates that can re-energize your body and get your qi flowing.

Grains and seeds

Cooked grains and seeds are good for qi in a way that they help move your bowels. Switch to healthier options like brown rice, quinoa, or oats.


Legumes increase energy levels by replenishing your body's store of folate, iron, manganese, and zinc, aid in the nutrient breakdown, and the production of cellular energy.


Walnuts contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, B vitamins, iron, manganese, and Vitamin E. These nutrients aid in energy production and lessen fatigue.

Protein-rich foods

Chicken, ham, lamb, venison, and beef contain protein, which can be used by the body for energy production. It's best to consume small amounts of animal-based protein.

Root vegetables

Chicken, ham, lamb, venison, and beef contain protein, which can be used by the body for energy production. It's best to consume small amounts of animal-based protein.


Seafood contains both saturated and polyunsaturated fats, although it has more healthy fats. They are known to be excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

miso soup

Soups can be a meal in itself. However, the health benefits derived from soups are only as good as those used in making them — bone broth, vegetables, or meat. 

Warm and hot beverages 

Hot tea can provide psychological benefits. Drinking hot tea is good for relaxing your body and mind, giving you warmth, which is significant for mental health.

Warming spices 

Adding natural spices to your cooking like chili peppers, black pepper, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, and turmeric not only increases its flavor but also provides more nutritional benefits.

Taking care of every part of your body, including the spleen is important. By understanding the spleen qi deficiency diet, you are doing your body a favor.

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