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Foods That Cause Acne

Foods That Cause Acne

Guide to  Acne-causing Foods

What causes acne?

What causes acne?

There are usually different elements that lead to acne breakouts, including genetics, hormones, and bacteria, not to mention the specific foods one consumes.

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Tips to avoid acne breakouts

Tips to avoid acne breakouts

Sometimes we can’t avoid acne breakouts, many factors are in play, like genetics or other external factors. However, you can avoid them by:

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Develop a skincare routine

A skincare routine will help with acne because it cleans pores and prevents bacteria from building up on the skin.


Practice good hygiene

Shower regularly to get rid of dead skin cells and bacteria. Refrain from touching your face to keep it clean, and wash your hands regularly.


Foods that cause acne

Foods that cause acne

Every person reacts differently to foods. Therefore, others may not lead to acne production in each person. The following are common foods that cause acne:

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Dairy products

Dairy products are a common cause of acne, with milk being the most common dairy product. Other dairy products that cause acne are yogurt and cheese.


Refined grains

Refined grains are processed foods that have been stripped of their natural nutrients. They are often enriched with vitamins and minerals but lack fiber and protein.



Sugar gets an honorable mention on our list of foods that cause acne. Why? The human body breaks down sugar into glucose and fructose.


Spicy foods

Some spices have been shown to increase oil production in the body by making us sweat more. Therefore, higher sebum levels are produced and released into pores, where bacteria thrive.


Foods that contain saturated fats

Along with many other health risks like heart disease, saturated fats also lead to acne breakouts, as they increase the insulin growth hormone in your body.


Red meat, chicken, and poultry

Leucine, an amino acid usually found in red meat, chicken, and poultry, can cause an increase in sebum production in your body, leading to acne breakouts.


Fast food

Fast food items are usually processed and contain trans fat and simple carbs, not to mention that they are very rich in calories and will lead to increased body fat.




Acne breakouts might be unpredictable and annoying. The most common reason is the overproduction of sebum that will clog your pores. Practice good hygiene and good nutrition to avoid acne breakouts.

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