How Does MSG Enhance Flavor?

What is monosodium glutamate?

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a compound used as a food additive. to enhance the flavor and smell of food.

How does MSG enhance flavor?

The taste of MSG, also known as umami, enhances the flavor of food and drinks by triggering a reaction in our brain’s receptors.

What is glutamate?

Glutamate, one of the two basic compounds of MSG, is an amino acid found in the human body that acts as a neurotransmitter.

Umami taste and glutamate receptors

There are five basic tastes that your brain can detect via your taste buds. The taste of MSG belongs to the latter one, umami. There are three types of umami:

1. Savory umami

Found in foods like anchovies, mushrooms, and soy sauce.

2. Meaty umami

Found in animal protein sources like beef broth and bacon.

3. Brothy umami

Found in stocks and stews.

Does MSG have any side effects?

Some people believe that it causes adverse reactions. However, there is no definitive study that supports the claimed side effects of MSG on the body.

Final thoughts

MSG, also known as monosodium glutamate, is a popular food enhancer. In its glutamate form, it is found naturally in many foods like meat, seafood, tomatoes, and some dairy products.

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