Tapioca Flour Substitutes

 What You Should Know

Tapioca is a pure starch extracted from the cassava root, which is native to South America. Tapioca is a dried product, and so it is available as flour, flakes, and pearls. 

What is tapioca?

Use of tapioca


Gluten-free bread



Binding agent

It is odorless and tasteless, and so it is suitable for making sweet dishes and savories. You may only notice the texture in the sponginess in your baked food items.

How does tapioca taste?

nutritional value of tapioca






Every ingredient you use for cooking has its substitute that you can use while you are cooking your favorite dish, and you run short of an ingredient.

Substitutions for tapioca flour

Cornstarch is a suitable tapioca flour substitute for dishes that we have to cook at high temperatures, and it also can be added at the beginning of the recipe.

1. Cornstarch

Cassava flour contains more fiber, making it a nutrient-dense gluten-free tapioca flour substitute. It has a nutty flavor which may dominate the recipe.

2. Cassava flour

Potato starch is a gluten-free ingredient that is a suitable replacement for tapioca flour. It has a neutral taste, making it a natural starch without changing the recipe's flavor.

3. Potato starch

You can find all-purpose flour in every kitchen, as it serves as the most accessible tapioca flour substitute. It requires a longer cooking time to get rid of the powdery texture. 

4. All-purpose flour

Arrowroot is an excellent substitute for tapioca starch when used as a thickening agent or baking food items that include other types of flours or starches. 

5. Arrowroot

Arrowroot is an excellent substitute for tapioca starch when used as a thickening agent or baking food items that include other types of flours or starches. 

6. Rice flour


Are tapioca flour and cornstarch the same?

Tapioca flour is made from cassava roots and cornstarch from corn.

Can we store tapioca flour for a long time?

You can store it for a year.

Tapioca flour is one of the more popular ingredients that people use for baking or cooking gluten-free food items and now you know how to substitute it in case you ran out of it.

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