Yellow Dots
Green Leaf

Arepas Con Queso Recipe

Scribbled Underline

The Best Arepas with Cheese

Yellow Dots
Yellow Leaf

Arepas con queso recipe: FAQs

Yellow Dots
Yellow Leaf

1. Colombian or Venezuelan?

What makes South American culture so great is that it's ethnically mixed, with influences from various ethnicities. Thus, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the recipes differ from one country to another.

Yellow Dots
Green Leaf

2. How to choose the right flour

If you want to do this by the book, going with masarepa would be the best. Precooked corn flour is very popular in Venezuela and Colombia. You can find masarepa at the nearest Latin American food store.

Yellow Dots
Green Leaf
Yellow Dots

2 cups masarepa precooked corn flour.

1 cup water.

¼ cup butter.

½ teaspoon salt.

1 ½ cups Mozzarella cheese, grated.

1 tbsp. vegetable or canola oil.


Yellow Dots

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

2. In a large bowl, mix masarepa, water, milk, butter, and salt.

3. Stir in the Mozzarella cheese.


Yellow Dots

4. Form the dough into small patties.

5. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes.

6. Serve with your favorite toppings.


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