When it comes to health and wellness, prevention is always better than cure. But if we tell you that both prevention and cure can be found in a miracle substance, would you believe it? You better!
This article will teach you the steps of how to make moringa seed oil, along with all the other necessary information that you will need to finally add moringa oil to your current lifestyle.
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What is moringa oil?

Moringa oil usually comes from the seeds of a small tree native to the mountains of the Himalayas. The tree is called Moringa oleifera. It can also be found in parts of Africa, Asia, and South America.
Moringa oleifera has plenty of health benefits backed up by science. Almost every part of the moringa tree is currently being used for various purposes — nutritional, medicinal, and industrial purposes. This tree can probably serve you some purpose! Its bark, flowers, leaves, seeds, and roots all have particular uses.
This is why the moringa tree has often been referred to as the "miracle tree." That is a more beautiful, sensible name than being called the "drumstick tree," which is another name for it. The drumstick refers to the shape of its seed pods.
Talking about the various names of moringa, you may have probably heard how it is also called “malunggay.” Does the term ring a bell? That is why in this article, you will learn how to make malunggay oil with and without a machine. You will also learn how to extract oil using the malunggay leaves, and even how to make your very own moringa skin and hair product!
Health benefits of moringa
With the reputation of being the "miracle tree", moringa contains plenty of healthy compounds. Note that depending on the parts used, how much you use, and your frequency of taking any moringa supplement or extract, the nutritional benefits may vary.
For now, here are the general health benefits of malunggay.
1. Treats edema
Moringa’s anti-inflammatory properties can help treat swelling. Edema is characterized by the excess fluid trapped in the body tissues, which is also not just unsightly but is a result of an underlying medical condition. Taking moringa supplements can help the swelling in your hands, arms, feet, and legs gradually disappear.
2. Treats and prevents cancer
Moringa has the potential to treat or prevent cancer. Of course, moringa supplements are not an overnight treatment, so you have to incorporate them into your daily diet. Moringa contains niazimicin, which is a natural bioactive compound that can help stop cancer cells from developing.
3. Treats stomach illness
Moringa’s antibiotic and antibacterial properties help in hindering pathogen growth. Aside from this, moringa is also high in Vitamin B, thus aiding in smooth digestion. Therefore, it is a good supplement for people who frequently suffer from stomach issues like constipation and gastritis.
4. Fights illnesses caused by bacteria
Malunggay extracts can help treat infections. It is antibacterial and antifungal, among its many other properties.
5. Healthier bones
Moringa has phosphorus and calcium, which are both essential in keeping the bones strong and healthy. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help in treating bone conditions like arthritis.
6. Cardiovascular aid
The antioxidants found in moringa have the potential to prevent the cardiovascular system from getting damaged. Thus, it is good for the heart. It also has compounds like niaziminin, a natural bioactive compound that helps stop the arteries from thickening, thereby preventing high blood pressure.
7. Anemia treatment
Moringa has the potential to increase the body’s iron absorption, leading to an increase in the red blood cell count. The extract also helps significantly in the prevention and treatment of anemia.
8. Diabetes treatment
Intake of moringa supplements helps in reducing the amount of glucose found in the blood. It also decreases sugar and protein found in the urine. Furthermore, malunggay extract has been helpful in closing wounds and even reducing scar appearance.
9. Treats asthma
Severe asthma attacks and bronchial constrictions can be alleviated with the help of moringa. Taking malunggay extracts has been shown to improve lung function and overall breathing.
10. Healthy kidneys
The high levels of antioxidants found in moringa can aid the kidneys' toxicity levels. Thus, people are less likely to develop stones in their kidneys, bladder, and uterus.
How to make moringa oil

Let’s now discuss how to make moringa oil. Generally, moringa oil is primarily extracted from its seeds. However, there is another way to do it. We will approach the procedure in two ways: first, from the seeds, then from leaves.
From seeds to oil
Here is how to make moringa seed oil at home. Whether you have an oil press machine or you plan to make your malunggay oil manually, we got you covered. Do not worry about not having a machine, though, because the manual way produces more extract.
- Remove the shells — Have your drumstick pods on hand, and with a knife, start splitting each pod in half. Remove the seeds gently.
If you want to deshell the seeds by hand, simply put each seed between your two fingers and pinch. Using your clean fingernail, peel the shell away.
If you think your hands will not be able to bear such a tedious task, you can use a nutcracker.
Use the seeds you have peeled off immediately, or it will affect the oil color.
- Extract the oil — If you have an oil press prepared, then you will have an easier time. Let the machine warm up first before using it. Give it about five to ten minutes; then pour all the seeds you have peeled from its shell into the funnel and let the extractor do the work for you.
However, if you are doing it manually, you have to pay attention.
Take a pan and roast your seeds until the insides start to brown. To check, you can always cut the seed in half. Remember to fill the pan with only one layer of seeds to roast it properly.
While roasting, grab another pot and prepare to boil water. When the seeds are roasted, pour them into the pot with water and let them boil. After a few minutes, the oil from the seeds will start to seep out and float on top. Keep it boiling for about 20 minutes or until you think there is no more oil left to extract.
Using a spoon or a ladle, separate the extracted oil in another container.
- Let it rest — Whether you have used an extraction machine or did the extraction manually, you must let the oil rest first before using it. This is because whatever extraction method you use, the oil will still have some water residue with it.
Leave the oil in its container and let the water evaporate for about two to three days so it can settle. You can use any bottle you like for storing moringa oil.
From leaves to oil
Using the infusion method, you can turn malunggay leaves into oil. Here is how to extract moringa oil from leaves.
- Pluck the green leaves from the stem and remove any dirt that comes with it.
- Place the leaves on a flat surface. Leave them out under the heat of the sun to dry.
- Transfer the dried leaves to a small container and fill it with other oil extracts. You can choose from coconut oil, grapeseed oil, or olive oil. Put just enough to cover the leaves.
- Get a pan and fill it halfway through with water.
- Pour the leaves into the pan containing the water and heat it together.
- Stir as soon as the water starts heating to distribute heat.
- Let the contents of the pan boil for about 25 to 30 minutes on medium heat.
- When the color of the oil starts to change, and the leaves seem to be fully infused with the water, turn off the heat and separate the oil from it.
- Just like the seed version, let the oil rest and cool down completely.
- Strain the extract to remove extra leaves and pour it into the container you prefer.
- Store the oil away from the sunlight. Dark-colored containers also help prolong their shelf life.
Uses of moringa oil

Moringa oil is sure to benefit you from head to toe! Now that you know its potential health benefits as well as how to make it, let us take a look at the ways you can use your DIY Moringa oil!
For the hair and skin
Moringa oil is an excellent cleansing and moisturizing agent you can use for both your skin and hair. It can protect the hair against free radicals with its antioxidant properties, thus keeping your hair clean and healthy! For your skin, the protein found in the extract helps in skin protection. It can even be used in curing any minor skin infections.
Moringa oil recipe for hair and skin use
- 2 cups of carrier oil (almond oil) with moisturizing properties
- 5 to 10 drops moringa oil
- 5 to 10 drops of beneficial essential oil of your choosing
Procedure for the hair
- Mix everything in a container, either a bowl or a bottle.
- With the oil, massage your skin gently and let your body or face soak in all that essence.
- Wipe your skin off any excess oil using a tissue.
Procedure for the skin
- Mix everything in a container, either a bowl or a bottle.
- You can either use the mixture as it is or heat it to elevate the scent.
- Apply the oil mixture into the hair, making sure to massage it into the roots.
- Cover your hair with a towel and leave it overnight for best results.
- The following day, wash your hair as usual with shampoo and conditioner.
For cooking and nutrition
With it being an oil, you can also use it for cooking! Moringa oil contains high levels of protein and oleic acid. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated healthy fat. Given that malunggay trees are fairly easy to propagate and grow, it is definitely cheaper than other commercially produced oils for cooking.
Now that you know how to prepare moringa oil, nothing can stop you from having a healthier life! Start using this simple concoction in your diet and health routines, and you will see significant changes sooner than you expected.
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