A-Positive Blood Type Diet

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Unlock the Power of Your Blood Type

What is the A-positive blood group?

A-positive blood type is the second most prominent in the United States. If you have an A-positive blood type, you have the type-A antigen and the presence of the Rhesus factor in your red blood cell.

The A-positive blood type and diet

The diet for A-positive blood type should be vegetarian, contain fruits and vegetables, and preferably in their fresh, natural form.

Foods for  A-positive blood type diet

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Animal protein

Poultry is the healthiest animal protein for this blood type. Turkey meat is a high-protein, low-calorie food, which may lower blood sugar levels. 


What to eat:

Animal protein

Individuals with type A-positive blood group should avoid most processed meat products as these people have a low level of stomach acid, resulting in difficulty digesting meat.


What to avoid:

Nuts and seeds

Sunflower seeds, almond butter, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, flaxseed, and other nuts and seeds high in vitamin E help keep cells' defenses active.


What to eat:

Nuts and seeds

Diet for type A-positive individuals should not include Brazil nuts, pistachios, and cashews/cashew butter.


What to avoid:


Legumes are another healthy protein alternative for A-positive type individuals. The healthiest options include adzuki beans, black-eyed peas, red, green, domestic lentils, and pinto and red soybeans.


What to eat:


People with blood type A-positive should completely avoid lima beans, copper beans, northern beans, red beans, kidney beans, green beans, navy beans, garbanzo beans, and tamarind.


What to avoid:

Dairy products

Fermented dairy products, including yogurt, kefir, nonfat sour cream, and cultured dairy items, are tolerable in moderation in the diet for A-positive blood type.


What to eat:

Dairy products

A-positive individuals must avoid sherbet, camembert, American cheese, sour cream, cheddar, buttermilk, Munster cheese, blue cheese, and several others.


What to avoid:

Fruits and vegetables

The most nutritious vegetables are broccoli, garlic, dandelion, domestic and Jerusalem artichokes, pumpkin, beet greens, escarole, collard greens, kale, spinach, and several others.


What to eat:

Fruits and vegetables

A type A-positive diet should not include oranges, bananas, tangerines, mangoes, papayas, cantaloupe, rhubarb, honeydew, and coconuts because they put additional stress on the digestive system.


What to eat:


A blood type A-positive diet contains food that is beneficial to the digestive system, helps maintain weight, and reduces the possibility of diseases.

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