Superfood and Gut Health

Benefits of Fermented Cauliflower


Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable with tiny and tightly packed curds or flower heads. It has color varieties of white, purple and green.

Health benefits

Cauliflowers contain several health benefits that can do wonders for the body and health. Here are some of the advantages that this vegetable has to offer.

Cauliflower Benefits

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A single cup of cauliflower has about 45 mg of choline, approximately 8% of AI (adequate intake) for men and 11% for women.


Cauliflower contains almost every mineral and vitamin that the body needs, including folate, fiber, vitamin C, K, B6, phosphorus, magnesium and more.


Cauliflower is rich in fiber, which can help decrease the chances of digestive conditions like inflammatory disease and constipation.

Weight loss

Cauliflower can be a substitute for high-calorie foods, as it promotes fullness, effective digestion and helps you reduce your calorie intake.


Cauliflower is a great source of sulforaphane, which is an antioxidant with several health benefits, including lowering the risk of cancer.

Enjoy them






Green Cutlery

Why fermented?

Fermentation is a good preservation technique, which allows you to maintain the essential nutrients of cauliflower while retaining its health benefits.

 Fermented Cauliflower Benefits



Since some essential nutrients are broken down through fermentation, the cauliflower will be easier to digest and absorb.

immune system

By consuming fermented foods, you are giving further support to the mucosa (the gut lining) as a barrier that makes the immune system stronger.


A large amount of serotonin is created in the gut. Research suggests that probiotic bacteria can contribute to a healthy gut.


By fermenting, additional nutrients can be added to the cauliflower — notably boosting the content of beneficial bacteria that can help keep your gut healthy.


The most notable benefit fermented food can offer is that it contains a handful of probiotics and prebiotics that do wonders for the gut.

how to ferment cauliflower

Prepare your cauliflower. You can shred, grate, chop, slice, or leave it whole. It could either be a personal preference, or you could follow a recipe.

Step 1

Submerge the vegetable under the brine. The water must be clean and you could either use whey, salt, or starter culture.

Step 2

Keep it in an anaerobic environment during the period of fermentation. Then, when it is finished culturing, you can move it to cold storage.

Step 3

Unlike broccoli, which strived in popularity, cauliflower remained outside most people's radar. Despite that, it continues to be a true powerhouse in the kitchen.

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