How to Gain Weight

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Raw Food Vegan Diet

What is the raw vegan diet?


A raw vegan diet is an eating plan that consists of unprocessed, plant-based foods. Which consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, and seeds.


Are there any benefits of raw foodism?


The benefits of raw foodism include:


It helps boost metabolism

A healthier diet

Lower cholesterol levels

How to gain weight on a raw vegan diet


Most of the foods you are allowed to eat are low on calories and fat, and also are stacked with fiber and different types of minerals:




Avocados are nutrient-dense fruits that provide a range of health benefits. They are the ideal food to include in a raw vegan diet for weight gain.



Chia seeds


Chia seeds are small, black, and oval-shaped seeds that come from the chia plant. They are nutritious, vegan food that can be eaten raw.





Nuts are a great source of healthy fats that will help you gain weight while reducing inflammation in your body and keeping your cells functioning properly.



Olive oil


Oils are crucial for weight gain, but ideally, you should opt for healthier and vegan ones. Olive oil, for these reasons, is a great option to have on the raw vegan diet.



Whole grains


Whole grains are rich in fiber, which helps with digestive health, and contain many minerals and vitamins such as magnesium and iron.





On a raw vegan diet, one of your limited options for weight gain is fruits, thanks to their high sugar and carb levels. 





Since you won’t have access to the most common protein sources, like seafood, red meat, or chicken, legumes will be your main protein source in the raw vegan diet.



Dried fruits


Dried fruits are often eaten as snacks or used in cooking to add sweetness and flavor. Dried fruits are usually made by drying the fresh fruit in the sun, or heat.





Quinoa is rich in protein and iron. It is a healthy, gluten-free, and vegan food that will help your weight gain journey.



Dark chocolate


With its high-calorie content and vegan nature, dark chocolate is a great snack and dessert option for the raw vegan diet.



Final thoughts


The raw vegan diet might be considered an extreme one, you need to add certain foods that are in line with the philosophies of the raw vegan diet.
