Green Peas

6 Side Effects of

Green peas are exquisite sources of plant-based proteins. However, there are numerous benefits and side effects of green peas.

There are various species of peas known across the world, with black-eyed peas and green peas being the ones that are most consumed. The other types include snow peas and snap peas.

Although this legume has many benefits, it has a variety of disadvantages. An unregulated consumption of this food can pose a threat to someone’s health.

Rising levels of vitamin K


The continual consumption of green peas increases the vitamin K content of the blood. High levels of vitamin K can thin your blood and reduce your platelet count.

May cause gout


Excessive consumption of green peas can lead to the loss of calcium in your body and excess build-up of uric acid which may bring about gout and cause severe pain.

Contains anti-nutrients


Anti-nutrients are compounds of plant origin that lower the body’s attribute of easily absorbing nutrients. These anti-nutrients may also stimulate digestive issues.

Weight gain


Constant excessive consumption of green peas can easily foster weight gain and fat build. In contrast, this legume is known for its weight loss benefits. 

Bloating and excessive gas


This legume contains a high carb content which stimulates bowel uneasiness like bloating and excessive gas. This occurs as a result of a large amount of sugar content. 

IBS and diarrhea


Green peas can also cause irritable bowel syndrome or diarrhea. This occurs as a result of the protein content in the peas, during the process of protein breakdown in the stomach.

Green peas contain different nutrients, antioxidants, and minerals, but not consuming them in moderation can cause certain side effects. It is important to not heavily rely on legumes as an everyday food.

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