There are four main blood group types — O, A, B, and AB, which are determined by inherited genes. Every human's blood possesses platelets, white and red blood cells. Your blood group can be identified by the antigens and antibodies found in the blood; these antibodies act as natural defenses. They offer protection from germs and infections in the blood. In this article, we are going to focus on one blood group, which happens to be the blood type B negative. According to the NHS, the B negative blood type is rare, boasting a 2% share. Although it is a rare blood type, this doesn’t change the fact that there are foods to lean on and there are foods to avoid in the blood type B negative diet. Let's find out together!
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What is blood type B negative?
The ABO system is used to classify the four major blood groups. Every blood group is defined by the presence of different antigens; blood types can contain either A, B, or Anti A or B antigens. For example, blood group B contains B antigens. Whereas blood group O is the most common kind of blood group, the AB group is the least common. The Rh system is antigens that come in negative and positive types. Blood groups are vital during pregnancies and for blood transfusions; but also, it is an important fact that various blood groups respond differently to foods.
The importance of blood types
Historically, blood groups were discovered in 1901 by a scientist named Karl Landsteiner. Before this discovery, many doctors around the world all harbored the wrong assumption that every type of blood was the same. Because of this approach, many individuals died from incorrect blood transfusions. When two blood types of different groups are mixed, they tend to clump and constrain the functions and flow of blood in the body.
The major topic of discussion in this article is the important relationship between blood type and our diet. There is a subtle link between our body's response to food and the blood type involved. Different foods are more suited to some blood types than others are, and they provide better health, nutrition, weight loss, and fitness benefits.
Diet and blood groups
The blood type diet was first proposed by Dr. D’Adamo, in his bestseller book “Eat Right for Your Type”, published in 1996. D’Adamo claims that the relationship between diet and blood groups stems from the fact that our blood type is closely related to the ability to digest certain types of foods. Hence, he recommends that we should adjust our diet according to our blood types. Eating based on blood type provides better digestion, fosters the rise in energy levels, helps maintain natural ideal body weights, and prevents various forms of diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.
The four major blood group types all have specific foods that they get the most from. For example, the blood type B group, especially for individuals with blood type B negative, works best with food like kale, broccoli, and animal protein.
Unlike other blood types, the diet for B negative blood type contains a more diverse set of foods like fruits, meat, grains, dairy, and seafood. And of course, there are certain B negative blood type foods to avoid. These include wheat, peanuts, and corn. This is more of a general diet mentioned without considering the positive and negative rhesus values. Here are the various foods for blood type B negative:
Eat right for your blood type: B negative
1. Lamb

Individuals with blood group B negative get their protein source from meats like lamb. Lamb is a form of red meat from mutton or young sheep. It contains significant levels of minerals and vitamins, including zinc, vitamin B 12, and iron. As overcooked lamb increases the risk of heart disease and other illnesses, it is best prepared mildly cooked. Lamb is excellent for limiting high cholesterol levels and is an excellent source of mono-saturated fats that also reduce cholesterol levels. Lamb meat is perfect for people with type B negative blood group because, unlike other meat like pork and chicken, it does not contain a lectin that attacks the bloodstream and contributes to immune system disorders or strokes. Eating other meat may increase the chances of these health problems in type B negative patients.
2. Oatmeal

Individuals with blood type B negative should be careful when it comes to complex carbohydrates. They should try to avoid carbohydrates such as barley, rye, buckwheat, and corn. Instead, B negative individuals should lean on carbohydrates like oatmeal. Oat flour can be employed in cooking and baking practices to get healthy carbohydrates. Oatmeal does not possess lectin like other carbohydrates. Lectin can cause insulin issues, irregular fatigue, and blood problems, especially for blood type B negative individuals. Other health benefits of oatmeal include reducing blood sugar levels, fostering healthy bacteria in the gut, reducing cholesterol levels, and remediation of constipation.
3. Venison

Venison is another wonderful source of protein for blood type B negative individuals. It is often referred to as a complete source of protein because it provides all the essential amino acids required for the body. This meat is lower in saturated fats than other red meats and protects against the increase of saturated fats that could lead to high cholesterol in the body. It is also a significant source of haem iron, which the body absorbs well. Other nutritional benefits of venison include being a superb source of zinc, being rich in B vitamins, and aiding in overall gut health.
4. Kale

Leafy greens are highly recommended for blood type B negative diets. Vegetables like kale, broccoli, and mustard greens are more beneficial to individuals of this blood type. Leafy greens come with an array of nutrients and minerals with many health benefits. They contain vitamin A, which is essential for bone and eye health and also supports a strong immune system. Kale contains vitamins like vitamins C and K, which are excellent for blood clotting and fighting off infections in the body. It is a pleasant addition for the B negative blood types because it contains no lectins that easily cause digestion problems for this specific blood group. In addition, it can be prepared raw or cooked and provides other health benefits such as cancer prevention, weight loss, and lowering of cholesterol.
5. Pineapple

Fruits like grapes, pineapples, papaya, and cranberries are some of the most beneficial fruits for individuals of B negative blood type. Pineapples are typically low in calories but contain important nutrients such as zinc, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folate. In addition, they possess significant antioxidants that can decrease the rate of heart diseases and certain cancers. Like kale, they also limit digestion problems, with a specific enzyme called bromelain. These enzymes excel at breaking down proteins into smaller conjugates that are easy to digest and metabolize. Some other popular health benefits of pineapples include boosting the immune system, inflammation prevention, and the ability to forestall arthritis symptoms.
6. Ginger

Among many other spices like curry and parsley, ginger stands out for B negative individuals. It’s cheap and accessible, not to mention that it’s really delicious. Ginger is a good source of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, along with several powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. Other notable benefits of ginger include its medicinal properties, treatment of nausea and cold, improvement of heart health, and lowering blood sugar levels.
Which foods to avoid for B negative blood type?
Among the B negative blood type foods to avoid, corn and buckwheat come first. According to Dr. D’Adamo, the proponent of the blood type diet theory, chicken is also problematic. In a diet adjusted for the B negative blood type, avoid foods like tomatoes, rye, and sesame seeds too. Fish and eggs should also be consumed in moderation, as they belong to the foods to avoid for B negative blood type list. Try to replace these foods with more greens, vegetables, and more animal protein.
Dr. D’Adamo’s groundbreaking work “Eat Right for Your Type”, published in 1996, introduced us to the concept of blood type diets, and since then it has remained a constantly debated topic. Although D’Adamo wrote about every single blood type, our main focus in this article is the B negative blood type. In short, B negative blood type individuals should, ideally, stay away from foods that contain lectin. These include tomatoes, rye, sesame seeds, and more. Instead, B negative individuals should lean on foods like lamb and oatmeal. Understanding the best set of foods for your blood group can benefit your body in many ways.
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