Having bigger and thicker thighs are a well-desired trait, especially among women. However, not everyone is genetically blessed with bigger thighs. Although the priority is always your self-confidence, it won’t hurt to have thick thighs too, especially for those who are constantly being asked if they have skipped leg days. But genetics is not everything. You can still get a bigger frame, and your diet is a big part of that. In this article, we have listed the foods that make your thighs bigger.

Tips to get bigger thighs
You can get bigger thighs by exercising regularly and not skipping leg days, eating a lot, putting on some weight, and sleeping soundly. Here are our tips:
1. Exercise
Exercise is crucial for making your legs and thighs shaped and toned. Forget about skipping leg days; instead, they should be your main focus if you want bigger thighs. Include squats, calf raises, lunges, and leg presses in your workout routine. These exercises are great for your quads, glutes, and hamstrings.
2. Eat a lot
You will not build bigger legs and thighs if you don’t adjust your diet properly. The only way to gain weight is through maintaining a calorie surplus, which leads us to eat more. So, prepare yourself a diet plan that includes healthy and clean foods. Remember that you shouldn’t be eating anything you can get your hands-on, and don’t confuse it with dirty bulk. Instead, focus on eating clean.
3. Limit cardio
Although cardio is usually included in most workout plans, in our case, it will only hinder your process. Why? To create a calorie surplus, you need to gain more calories than you burn. The more significant this amount is, the more calories you will gain. Cardio, on the other hand, will decrease your calorie surplus. However, you should still include moderate cardio in your routine so your weight gain is not out of control.
4. Sleep well
When we sleep, our bodies repair and rebuild the muscles that we have broken down during our workouts. Sleep is crucial for muscle growth and development. In our case, the work put in at the gym needs to be paired with at least eight hours of sleep.
Which foods make your thighs bigger?

To get bigger thighs, you need to put on some weight. Although you can carelessly eat and get a bigger frame, it will not look pleasant. Therefore, you need to have a good and clean diet that includes protein, carbs, and other necessary ingredients, so that your thighs will be toned and tight, not flabby. Let’s take a look at our list of foods that go straight to your thighs:
1. Eggs
Eggs are a good source of protein, something you need for bigger thighs and muscle growth. They also contain vitamin D which can help your body absorb and use the protein more effectively. You can scramble them, fry them, or even bake them. Of course, you can eat them any time of day — morning, noon, or night.
2. Lean beef
Lean beef is a good source of protein, and it can help in your goal to build muscle. Although it is no secret that beef is rich in protein and other amino acids, beef also contains creatine. One pound of lean beef contains between 1-2 g of creatine. Creatine is not only necessary for your body to function well, but it could also improve your workout performance, in terms of fatigue and intensity.
3. Salmon
Salmon is delicious and nutritious seafood with a lot of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. The role of omega-3 acids in growth cannot be overstated. Amino acids are the basis of protein fibers needed to get bigger and shaped thighs, and omega-3 is an important one. It also helps with the muscle soreness you are likely to experience after intense workout sessions at the gym.
4. Chicken breast
Chicken breast is a popular choice for muscle growth and development. It is a source of complete high-quality protein, which includes every amino acid that you need. Additionally, chicken breast is a good source of niacin, necessary for energy production, and vitamin B6, vital for protein metabolism. But, chicken breast is generally low in calories and fat, make sure to pair it with some whole grains.
5. Brown rice
Although protein culminates in the mainstream narrative, carbs are just as important, if not more. As a whole grain, brown rice is rich in nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, it should be included in your diet as you must eat a certain amount of calories daily. Opting only for lean meats will not be enough to reach your calorie goals. Pairing them with brown rice will solve this problem.
6. Oatmeal
Carbs provide the body with glucose, which is used for energy. Without adequate glucose, the body will start to break down protein for energy, leading to muscle loss. Therefore, as another quality whole grain option, oatmeal is one of the best foods that will make your thighs bigger. As a complex carb, it is slowly digested and releases energy over time. It is a great source of carbs that will help you gain weight. Oatmeal is also rich in healthy fats that will allow you to bulk up. It is optimal to eat oatmeal at breakfast and before workouts.
7. Leafy greens
Leafy greens will be a crucial part of your diet and can help with healthy muscle gains. Leafy greens are packed with nutrients, including iron, essential for building strong muscles. They also contain chlorophyll, which helps your body to absorb protein better. So if you're looking to get a bigger frame overall, which includes your thighs too, make sure to have plenty of leafy greens in your diet. Kale, spinach, cabbage, and collard greens are among these vegetables.
8. Milk
Milk is not only great to have for breakfast, particularly with eggs and oatmeal, but it’s also high in calcium and protein. Milk is one of the three perfect options for complete protein sources, along with lean meat and eggs. Milk contains 3.25 grams of protein. It is also rich in calcium, a crucial ingredient needed for muscle contraction.
9. Bananas
Bananas are one of the most nutritious foods. A nutritional powerhouse, bananas contain high amounts of potassium, crucial for protein production. The potassium in bananas also helps with the muscle soreness, especially on your legs and thighs, that you’ll likely experience after your squats and calf raises. Although the protein amount seems low, bananas are very rich carb sources, which is what you will need to get bigger thighs. They are rich in carbs, sugar, and potassium, which also makes them one of the ideal post-workout foods and snacks during the day.
10. Tofu
Tofu is a good option for those who are looking for variety in their diet, especially when it comes to protein-rich foods. If you also happen to be a vegan, it is an ideal source of protein. Tofu is made from soybeans, a complete protein, which contains every essential amino acid needed to pack on more muscles and weight. Tofu is high in calories and will help with the weight gain process.
Even if you are unhappy with the size of your thighs, you can build them with some hard work. A proper workout routine that limits cardio, regular sleep, and eating a lot will help. However, your diet plays the most significant role. Some specific foods will make your thighs bigger. These foods are packed with lean protein, like lean meat, eggs, and chicken breast. Salmon is a good option, too, as a rich omega-3 source. Combine these foods with complex carbs like oatmeal and brown rice for a bigger frame and better digestion.
Makayla says
Thank you so much for these tips, before I even read this article I was trying everything and nothing seemed to work. After about 3 weeks in I started to visibly see progress!